Toowoomba Sightseeing
Under New Ownership!
Covid Safe Message
Toowoomba Sightseeing is a Covid Safe business however we need your cooperation.
Please read the following and abide by instructions before booking and boarding.
Before Booking and Boarding you will be required to;
Declare your past 14 days movements if you have been to a declared hotspot
Not board if you are feeling unwell or have a temperature
Provide contact details, including Name, Address and Phone Number
Be aware this tour is exempt from social distancing rules and if as a group we enter a venue we will be treated as a Single Group, however, please take all care to appropriately distance from other people in the public setting.
You will also be required to;
Provide your own mask, sun protection and drinking water
Sanitise your hands before boarding
Return to your allocated seat after re-boarding
This tour bus does have opening windows to provide fresh air and may use air-conditioning for the comfort of passengers.
Toowoomba Sightseeing operates under the approved 57 page Queensland Tourism & Accommodation Industry Covid Safe Plan JUNE 2020 for Vehicle & Vessels for up to 50 People.
Cemetery Tours involve a walking component on level ground and at a slow pace. This is a history tour of Drayton and Toowoomba amongst very old and sometimes fragile monuments dating back to the mid 1800`s. We ask that you refrain from touching the monuments and dress appropriately for an outdoor activity on my “History Set in Stone Tour”.
I hope you enjoy my tour...